Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Weekly Update (Day 96) Eaves, cavity sliders, cladding, bricks and brick cleaning

Well on Monday the bricks didn't arrive, but the carpenters did.  They put on the eaves, the cladding outside of bedroom 4, installed the cavity sliders, put in the frame work for the ducting and the frame work for the niche in the main bedroom.  The carpenters are very young (Derrick thought they were trying to pinch stuff), but these guys did such a great job.  We went around to check all of the brick ties, to see if they had missed any and in the whole house we only found one that they missed.  Every thing they told us they would do, they did.
Cladding on Bedroom 4
Cavity sliders into the Media Room
Niche in Main bedroom

On Tuesday the bricks arrived, but they are not the same colour.

Wednesday the brickies turn up.  I go out to site on Wednesday afternoon thinking all of the brick work would have been finished, but it isn't.  They have run out of bricks AGAIN.
They finished the front of the garage, one side and the front of the balcony and above the front door.  Instead of using the different coloured bricks on the balcony and the garage ( these will be done in moroko, so you won't see the colour of the bricks) they used the correct colour bricks on these to spots and used the different coloured ones above the front door.  Around the front door should be face bricks, but now there is the two different colours.  Our SS told us they can be colour matched and we won't be able to tell.

Two different bricks

Thursday the bricks were cleaned and that makes such a big difference to the look of the house.

Clean bricks
So happy with the colour of the bricks
now that they have been cleaned
Derrick has a meeting with the SS tomorrow.  The painters should be there to do any painting on the top level before the scaffolding is taken down.  (Oh and the brickies are supposed to be back Wednesday - We will see)

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