Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poo Pipes!

Well the plumbers have surprised us again with a sneaky weekend assault.  Today as we drove past for our daily visit, more of the external plumbing had been progressed.

Here you can see the trench which runs from the house down to the back right hand corner of our block (where the photo was taken from).  This is the sewerage line to the sewer main in the block behind us.

This image is of the point where I expect our sewer pipe will connect into the Sydney Water Sewer Main.

Here you can see the rain water pipe (green) to the water tank, and the overflow which runs to the sewer main (as far as I can tell??)

 Sadly, my beautiful new concrete slab hasn't been shown the same love and care that I think it deserves, but I have seen this sort of mess at other building sites.  I'm sure it will clean up just fine. Here's a couple of pics of our slab covered in dirt :-(

Of some concern though, is the damage that has been caused to the Slab.  This is an image of the corner of the Water tank Pad.  There is similar damage (not as bad) to other parts of the slab.  I'll talk to the builder on Monday, to see what happens about this.  If anyone can tell me if this is normal or not, please leave a comment.

So this week has been quite productive, and we have been blessed with great weather.  Unfortunately, this is what is forecast for next week...
Lets see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Looks amazing guys, U will catch up to us at this speedy pace.
    Clearwater Fla Real Estate
